ただいま! I just got home and I'm already missing Japan :( It's like I just got there yesterday and I'm now home, awaken from an amazing dream. Glad that it's not a dream. Just unpacked my luggage as I have to pack again later cuz I'm flying off to China tomorrow :D My June is pretty amazing huh...so does my wallet go burning lolllllll.
I think I kinda overspent for my Japan trip :X
Here's what I got from Japan :

Jill Stuart Blusher from the airport.. Mascara, eyeliners all super cheap in Japan. I can't tell how much I love their "drug store" my god.
I think I kinda overspent for my Japan trip :X
Here's what I got from Japan :
How can you resists Duffy when you're in Disneysea?!?!?!
I have too many plushies so I just got a small Sailor Duffy and I have no idea why I bought the Duffy towel... Buzzlightyear iphone case too cute! btw,Super cute Shellie May pouch is for Javene ~
Chrome Hearts store is just right infront of my place and getting the cross bracelet is in my wishlist...and I got the white one on the first day :/ Burn level : 20482910. Also got the Vivienne Westwood earring yesterday ~ Super prettyyyy.
I KNOW RIGHT you might be guessing why I bought so many bottles of the Softymo X Snoopy cleansing oil..well.. I don't know why I feel like buying anything with "Number 1" sticker .lolll. I bought it for my babes and it's super cheap! Also got hair products and eye drops. Roth Z! eye drop is the bomb.
Jill Stuart Blusher from the airport.. Mascara, eyeliners all super cheap in Japan. I can't tell how much I love their "drug store" my god.
Tee shirts that burn my wallet so much. James Long // Fig & Viper // Play CDG // Joyrich
There's another Joyrich tee not inside this pic, took it to wash already...
Agnes B voyage travel bag! Finally got one for short trips.
LASTLY..... Tokyo Banana, Royce and 白い戀人!!!!!!!!!!
Haven tried them yet except for Royce. Ma fav chocolate ~
That's it for today! Gotto go back to work and then nap time! Updates about my Japan trip anytime! So stay tuned ~
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